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The American Salvage Association was originally founded as an association of professional salvors in order to provide an identity and assist in professionalizing the United States marine salvage and firefighting response capability. By doing so, the ASA helped to improve marine casualty response in North American coastal and inland waters. Since then, the ASA has expanded its reach and strives to ensure open communication and cooperation with regulatory authorities that result in prompt, effective response, meeting regularly with various federal and state agencies to exchange views on the improvement of salvage and firefighting response throughout North, Central and South America as well as the Caribbean Sea.
The ASA educates government, industry and the general public about the role of the marine salvor in protecting life, the environment, and property from the consequences of maritime transportation incidents and natural disasters.
View our Mission and Values
Get to know us ~ Explore our directory of Members, take a look at our events Calendar to find out where our members will be attending events this year, and view our Member Equipment interactive map to see locations of member resources.
Soundings magazine is the official magazine of the American Salvage Association. It is circulated to ASA members and industry leaders on a quarterly basis. Each issue of Soundings highlights feature articles and industry news, and contains event information and member updates. In addition to our 3,000 print subscribers, the magazine is emailed in a fully interactive digital format to 120,000 key leaders in the marine salvage industry.
The primary benefit of ASA membership is networking; ASA members' collegial bond with fellow members promotes business development and improved response capabilities.
A snapshot view of our association's leadership team. Officers, Executive Committee and Staff.
Working committees provide support to the association through their respective goals and objectives set forth within the various committees' missions.
Members can easily locate downloadable resources including logos and documents, standard contract forms and other items.
View and/or download the American Salvage Association's press releases and news stories to date.